Delivery within the state of Kuwait usually takes 1 to 2 working days and international delivery takes upwards of 5 to 14 days.
Local delivery charges are 2 KWD for all urban areas including chalets & farms.
International delivery charges are linked to the weight & dimensions of the products ordered and will be calculated after the order has been submitted.
Orders will only be confirmed after all the order's product have confirmed their availability.
Due to any error in the availability or the irregular condition of the product, the customer will receive a full refund of the paid amount.
Returns and refunds are possible (Except delivery charges) within 14 days of the purchase date if the product has not been damaged or opened and is in it's original condition.
All products delivered to customers are in their original sealed conditions (Except products sold on the B-STOCK collection)
Customers have to refuse any product delivered by the courier incase the product's are not in their original sealed conditions.
B-stock items are non refundable since they are not sold as new.
All products are under local distributor warranty policy, if it has a manufacture defect or failure. Please contact the dealer directly.
The Customer agrees on all the mentioned policies upon receiving the order.